Saturday, September 24, 2011

Attitude of Life

Attitude more than aptitude determines your altitude in life. - Unknown Author

I have heard that quote a few times.  For those of you who have been patiently waiting for a new post, I am sorry it has taken so long to write.  I have been enjoying every moment with the three most important people in my life- my children.  So it is today that I have to discuss attitude.

Our lives are greatly determined by our attitude. When it hurts, do you stop, or do you turn it off, keep going and push through? Do you give your best or do you back off? Do you trust you can or question it? Do you KNOW you have more, or do you let yourself just stop. I would rather die giving all I have to life than quit giving up in what I believe I am able to do!

This was one of my recent facebook post.  I am convinced that our attitude greatly determines what happens to us in life.  Our attitude determines how we react to given situations.  You see, our lives are stories with emotions we tell ourselves.  This goes with everything we have talked about in this blog.  We talk a great deal about success, getting what you want out of life, but it begins with our attitude. 

Have you ever noticed the days you may wake up and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is some sort of expletive deleted because you woke up late, or you couldn't get your car to start, or the red lights just keep piling up.  The funny thing about that is, the more frustrated you get, the more the universe will respond with.. guess what.. frustration.  

This gets down to the core of the law of attraction.  You see, John Maxwell explains in his book.. "The Difference Maker" how much attitude affects everything we do! The outcome of our day, the words we say, the mood we are in, the people we meet, the moments in our life can all be changed through our attitude.  

We determine how we are going to react to any given situation.  We are the ONLY person who can determine our own attitude.  If we determine that there are things in our life that suck.. for instance, if your car sucks, and your job sucks, and your boyfriend or girlfriend sucks, or your house suck, then maybe YOU suck.  That's an ATTITUDE.  It simply takes a switch in how you deal with life or what you tell yourself.  

When we simply put the thoughts of a smile out, the universe will respond by aligning situations throughout the day to make us smile.  It will out people in our lives and attract the things we need to encourage that positive attitude and keep us going.  when our negativity vibes out there, we will receive just that, more negativity. 

I am going to leave this here for now and come back to this topic in a bit.  Remember for now, Our attititude is one of the greatest assets we have and will completely determine how we react to any given situation.