Monday, April 25, 2011

How does one create belief?

This box, The "You Got This" Box has become a symbol for so many people at the gym I own of belief.  It has become a symbol of how we talk to ourselves and a symbol of what it means to believe in yourself.  So often, we go through these events in our life that knock us down, hurt us, challenge us and more often than not, we create a belief not in what we CAN do but more on what we CAN'T do.

Therein lies the challenge in hwo to believe in yourself.  I am going to venture to say there are steps to believeing in yourself.

Step 1:  Look at your mindscreen.  We all have a mindscreen.  Our mindscreen is where we create the images of who we are, who we want to be and if we are NOT who we want to be how to get there.  Our mindscreen is a very powerful tool in the process I will mention later, visualization.  One of the things we have to do is analyze what our mindscreen is telling us about ourselves.  Is it telling you that you are doing the right hting and going down the right path?  Is it telling you that what you want to do is in accordance with what you are doing?

Step 2: Attitude of Gratitude:  Simply put, be thankful for that which you have and that which you will receive.  Be thankful for all of the little things in life, the small moments in time which are teachable moments, the moments in time in which you have an opportunity to learn who you are at that moment.  Be thankful for everything you have, or want.  Be thankful for the great relationships in your life, or the amazing house you live in, or the gym you own, or the business you run, or the ideal job you will get.  Be thankful for everything.  Being grateful creates feelings of happiness and helps you to create positive feelings which put your thought waves in a greater vibration for the univers(God) to respond.

Step 3- Borrow belief if you need to:  This one is an interesting concept.  When we start out in any new activity or realm, we have to borrow another's belief in ourselves because we may not believe we can do it.  Lean on others who believe in you, have faith in you and know that you are on the right path to help build your belief.  There is a saying that says "fake it til you make it".  I find this to be true in belief.. for the simple reason of the next 2 steps:

Step 4: Pay attention to what you are telling yourself : Listen to how you are talking to yourself.  Are you telling yourself good or bad?  Are you telling yourself you believe or you don't believe?  Are you telling yourself you can or you can't?  Are you telling yourself you are valuable?  These are indicators of your belief in yourself.  It is important to listen to these statements.  Start telling yourself you believe in who you are and chances are you will eventually.

Step 5: visualize!  Use your mindscreen to visualize and feel what it feels like to believe in yourself.  Visualize how good it feels to love yourself unconditionally for who you are.  Visualize what it feels like to go after what you want.  Visualize what it feels like to have whatever you want and the feelings associated with that.

And finally- BELIEVE in who you are.  We were all created perfectly.  When your weaknesses can actually be strengths and your strengths can actually be weaknesses, you will realize more about yourself than you ever have.  Use your strengths to their advantages but also continually work on your weaknesses.  Get better at what you aren't good at and eventually you will be good at so much.  It will be one of the most powerful journeys you have taken.

It's ok to seek help in your belief.  I encourage it.  I had to reach out recently to help believe in myself again.  I lost belief in who I was and what I was doing and realized I wasn't telling myself what I really wanted.  i was reacting based on what others wanted and how I was reacting was based on others reactions to the happenings in my life.  I lost alot by doing this and am now not worried about what other think, or believe of me, for I have belief in myself.

Remember through all of this- You Got This!

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