Monday, November 21, 2011

Thought Collection

This is a recent collection of quotes from my facebook posts.  These are all Coach K originals.  Please feel free to share.  I am currently working on an E-book of these quotes I have over the years... Look for it soon.  It will be an inspirational and motivational guide for our daily lives.  I may even be making a daily quote calendar soon!  If you use these quotes, please make the appropriate reference.  Thank you.

Thank you for reading:

The moments that define our character are those moments in which we are challenged at every level. Cherish the moments in which this occurs, use it to build upon your character. use it to allow your character to shine. When these moments occur, stop for a moment, take a breath and stride forward in the direction you know to bring you the best results.- 11/21/11

Be mindful of the expectations placed upon others for at times they(expectations) can and will set you up for disappointment. Look not to others to fulfill what you wish and desire, but look only to place expectations on how YOU handle yourself and be responsible (or have the ability to respond) for how you create your life. Allow others not to disappoint you but rather be pleasantly surprised when they act in accordance with your desires.- 11/20/11

The great thing about "experience" is the lessons that you probably learned along the way to get it. The challenge with it.. you probably needed the experience in the first place to be able to understand the lesson. 11-19-11

Defeat is only a state of the mind. Allow not the thoughts of failure to pull you down, but find the power within each fall to make you stand tall and get through the toughest of times. Always will you fall, and that matters less than what you do with it but more how tall you stand after. 11/15/11

When you stop and take inventory of your life, do you find that you are where you want to be? If not, ask yourself the one question that will challenge you beyond all.... what is holding you back? when you identify this, it will be eye opening. then and only then will you be able to move forward. If you are charging forward in the direction you choose to live, then CONTINUE STRONG and TRUE to the path you are on, let nothing stand in your way! 11/13/11

If you have EVER sat down and thought about why you do the things you do.. doesn't it make you wonder? Have you ever told yourself I don't want to do it, when you know you should, I can't when you know you can? or I won't when you know you will? We are set up with NO as our first response to everything in LIFE... Have you EVER told yourself CONSISTENTLY YES I CAN, YES I WILL, YES I WANT IT THAT BAD! If you haven't, stop defeating yourself and go after "IT"!!! 11/11/11

Each and Every moment in our life is defined by our thoughts, our actions, and our response. We have the ability to choose what we think, how we respond and what action we will take. Remember that often the thoughts, actions and responses that are true to virtue and full of integrity will often lead you down the path full of obstacles, questions and possibly even more challenges. Don't take the easy way out... ever.. Do the right thing even when no one is looking. 11/10/11

The mental state you are in at this very moment is exactly as you have allowed it to be. What are you telling yourself to be where you are right now. Are you thinking the thoughts you need to be thinking right now in order to get to where you want to be? Or are you allowing yourself to get clouded by the distractions in life? Focus, Focus, FOCUS! 11/10/11

Have you stopped to look in the mirror lately? Have you looked at the depth in your eyes, the power in your soul, the fire that burns inside? Have you found the hope inside that lights your world? Have you found the passion within to make the dreams you want the most come to life? Look deep into your own eyes... It exists within you.. UNLEASH IT!!!!11/8/11

Realize there will be days in which the Risk seems greater than the benefit. The challenge is to move beyond what you think the risk will be to move out of your comfort zone and into a realm in which the most gains will be seen. You must RISK great in order to REWARD great. What are YOU willing to do for your dreams? Are you willing to put it all on the line or will you be content with where you are at this moment and allow the success of YESTERDAY dictate your life? 11/8/11

Have you ever stopped to think how your approach to life might be changed if you found it in you just to stop letting the words "I can't" rule your world. It is you against your fears. Who will win? I win over each fear one at a time! 11/6/11

The only thing holding you back from following your dreams is you. What's your hang up? Stop worrying, start living. Enjoy each moment as they are designed to guide you closer and closer to that which you desire the most. 11/4/11

Often we must learn patience when it comes to that which we want to be successful at. Learning to understand the mechanics of getting there are the hardest part. This is why focusing on what you want and making the actions a daily habit become so important as in yesterday's post. Now, we must exercise patience as the skills, the habits and the actions will develop into that which we want. HOWEVER the most important step is still to TAKE ACTION! 11/3/11

In your own success, find something you are passionate about and let the success follow you. I have never "worked" a day in my life because I have the opportunity to follow both of my "Passions" in my gym and firefighting careers. It is all to often we allow ourselves to settle in life. Wake up every day with purpose and find YOUR calling... pursue that! 11/3/11

Become disciplined in that which you desire the most. Worry not about the outcome, but focus on the action every day. Soon enough it will become a habit and a part of your life. Envision it to be so and it will be. 11/2/11

Opportunities arise daily. It is up to you to stop, recognize when they come at you and take action when they do. This can include not only personal, but business, and other opportunities as well. Don't let your FEAR of the unknown stop you from taking a risk to go after what you want. 11/2/11

States of quiet observation and paying attention to the actions and words of others is sometimes just what one needs to become recentered, focussed and learn about those around them and themselves. This is a positive step in our growth process as leaders, coaches and motivators.  11/1/11

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