Tuesday, December 31, 2013


"Champions keep going when there is nothing left in their tank"- Eric Thomas.

How true is this?  What is the heart of a champion made of? 

The heart of a champion is made of integrity, passion, desire.  There is something that burns inside of a champion.  A champion looks around and even though he or she may see the obstacles ahead of them, they are aware that they will be able to overcome each and every obstacle.  They are not absent of fear, but act in spite of it. 

A Champion knows that there will probably be pain.  A champion knows that the pain is temporary, but pride is forever and quitting is never an option.   A Champion knows that what's inside of them is more powerful than anything they will come up against.  A Champion knows that when the shit gets going they will stand up, rise against the odds and become greater than they were before. 

A Champion looks to those who are there to support him. A Champion reaches out and helps others.  A Champion inspires others through their actions, their desires, their beliefs, their dreams.  A Champion often has great odds to battle, but even though the odds are stacked against them, will fight for every moment.  A Champion sacrifices what they are for what they want to become.  It is not in THIS moment that we will become a Champion, but THROUGH the hours put into becoming a champion. 

A Champion doesn't think about the consequences of achieving their goal.  A Champion doesn't blame anyone else for their hardship.s  A Champion stops looking outside of himself or herself and determines that what is inside of them is how they became who they are. 

A Champion creates what they desire and doesn't sit back and wait for life to give them opportunities.  A Champion has a mind stronger than their body will admit.  A Champion knows that the sacrifice they make today for their dream, desire and goal will be worth it in the end.  A Champion remembers that they are powerful beyond measure. 

Champions are NOT immune from fear, discouragement, frustration, fatigue, challenge, obstacles.  Champions are able to use these things to strengthen their fortitude to move forward to get to where they want to be.  Champions understand that the more they are frustrated, fatigued, challenged, and even maybe lonely, the closer they are to achieving the greatness they are destined for. 

What happens when things happen that a champion doesn't anticipate.  There may be hurt, pain, anger.  this is where a champion turns that into useful energy to push forward.  This is the difference between the average person and a champion is that instead of sitting in the pain, hurt, anger,  the champion will not stay down for long if at all.  A Champion may land on their back, but they will be able to get back up and fight again when they are weakened and tired.  

This is the time you will become a champion.  This is the time that YOU will do what it takes to earn your desires. This is the time where hard work will pay off.  This is the time where you will not make excuses.  This is the time where you will stop being afraid of the pain it may take to get where you want.  This is the time where you will make sacrifice to get what you want in life.  This is the time where life will become YOUR playground. 



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