Sunday, January 22, 2012

Our moments of Greatest Weakness Part 1

In our moments of our greatest weakness, we must be at our point of greatest resolve.  it is our resolve which helps us to withstand adversity.  Adversity gives us the power to create an opportunity, an opportunity for growth, for change, for being great.  Adversity looks you in the eyes, challenges you, pushes on you, hits you, slams you on the ground, and tries to knock you out.

The questions you have to ask yourself when this happens are these: Will I take the easy way out and allow it to beat me?  Will I allow this to change me or will I stand up, will I fight, will I forget the pain, the hurt, the stinging? Will I get up and stand up for what I believe in?  How bad do I want whatever it is that I am after.  Am I willing to get up one more time?  Am I willing to give everything I have to make it happen?  Am I willing to ensure that I get what i want?

Are you willing to take the hits to go after what you want?  You see too often in life we lay down, we forget the power within ourselves to impact change within our own lives and in the lives of others.  You CAN make a difference in your own life.  All of us have to stop, look in the mirror and seek what it is we desire deep within ourself to overcome the fear we have within us.

You see, none of us exist without fear.  In fact I was asked this evening if I am ever afraid.  I would be naive or arrogant to say I never experience fear, however due to training for my career, due to the ablity to look at and realize fear is a state of mind, and also to create a rational thought in spite of fear and act based on that, I won't get paralyzed when fear hits.  we all have fears, we all have situations, experiences, things in life which create uncomfort.

Fear is a part of adversity, a part of challenge, a part of the unknown.  truly when we act against or with adversity, we must overcome the fear of the unknown.  We all have the power within us to do this.  It is up to you to seek the power within you, to channel it, to focus i on what it is you want and desire.  For without that focus, without that drive, that passion, it will not happen.  You must ignore the nay sayers, the people who say it's too hard.  You must use that as fuel for your next step.  You must channel the energy from those who support you and not worry about those who don't.  You must change your attitude to a never give up attitude because it's really hard to beat the person who won't give up... Have you ever tried?

What you want in life will not just automatically come to you.  Yes, you have to do your best to put it out there what you want, but the trick is not to wait for it, but to take action on it.  to ensure that the moments you discover in which you can realize your on potential are recognized.  To walk through the door rather than turn from them,  to turn the TV off and hit the gym rather than let life get in the way and beat you down.  You know and understand from JUST living, we get beat up.  we get beat up physically, emotionally, spiritually.  Are you going to stand around and let it keep happening or are you going to stop putting up with it, and take control of you, your own destiny and make the changes in your life towards what you want?

You need to be willing to put in the blood sweat and tears to make it happen.  It's not just being in the right place at the right time... while it my be part of it, it is time to realize that the successful person does what the unsuccessful person is not willing to do.  Do you rise above it and go after it? ARE YOU READY??

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